Lifestyle tips

Feederism for vegans

I'm not a vegan myself, but I've seen a good amount of fat people that are vegans, their diets are mostly stuff like pizza, pasta and sweets, but I was wondering if I can expand the repertoire of things I could cook one day in case I ever encounter one

I wanna hear some experiences
1 month

Feederism for vegans

Not vegan but vegetarian for most of my life, I generally live on a fuck ton of pasta and Mexican food. When I would go to fast food places I would either get the veggie burger or grilled cheese and I would just make sure to get plenty of fries and a shake to make sure I was getting enough calories in. The main reason I was vegetarian was because my gag reflex prevented me from swallowing meat (I guess it was just a texture thing), but I've been able to train it to allow me to eat some white meats too which has allowed me to get a lot more calories in than purely vegetarianism would allow you.
1 month

Feederism for vegans

I was just talking to someone earlier about vegetarian cooking, and I suggested that my favorite cookbook is Sundays at Moosewood's. It's largely vegan, and I've never cooked something from it that's not good. So you might get some ideas there!
1 month